Lost And Found
There is only one person who knows exactly about his destination, someone who’s about to die.
Recently, I had this one thought hover over my mind like anything, where do I want to go next? What exactly is the right thing to do at this particular moment in order to get to the right place?
While these questions are endless, the answers to all of them has been right in front of me all the time, glaring at me in fact. It is this: You don’t have to know all the things, all the time. This is an article about the importance and repercussions of not knowing.
The fast lifestyle of today has made most of us a control freak. If you do not know, a control freak is someone who feels the urge to control everyone and everything about and around him or her, and it results in that person being extremely unsatiated with his or her life. All of us have become a part of such a rat race, knowingly or unknowingly that we have forgotten the profound underlying principle of life: This life won’t last forever. If your life itself is the most uncertain aspect of your being, why do you wish to force things vehemently into it? You need to understand that you do not need to know everything about and around you. You do not have to be sure of everything you are doing being right or perfect. You do not have to have the right plan in mind for everything. Why? Because there is no such thing as a right or wrong plan. There are just honest plans, plans you have made by being genuine and honest. In such a case, you expecting yourself to know everything about the next destination you wish to reach is not only a ludicrous thought but also a precedent for your numerous disappointments in life. Nobody knows everything about their next destination. There is only one person who knows exactly about his destination, someone who’s about to die. So as long as you are alive, you need to just trust in something, your thoughts, your karma, your God, whatever suits you and just make the use of this present moment in the best way, here and now. We learn by doing not thinking. So you need to explore myriad options in front of you in order to expand your horizon the maximum. A steadfast plan will stop you from doing this. So just keep exploring. Life will itself show you the way ahead then.
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